
How Do I Create A Team Or Join One?

1. Create or join a team during registration

1. Start the registration as usual.  2. At the point "Create or join team" you have 3 options

A) Register no team

If you choose this option you will not take part in any team ranking.

B) Creating a new team 

Here you can create a new team and invite your team members to join it.  Enter the desired team name in the form field. Optionally you can also assign a password that new team members must know in order to join your team. Via the button "Invite team members" you can invite as many people as you like to join your team. Enter the e-mail address of your friends - they will
then receive an e-mail with instructions on how to join the team. (Your team members will automatically be assigned the same race and start time.) Now complete the registration to create the team and send the invitations.


C) Join existing team

Here you have the opportunity to join an existing team. Enter the first 3 characters of the team name. Then you will be suggested team names that contain your input. Refine the results by entering additional characters of the team name. If the desired team is displayed, click on its name to select it. If the team was protected with a password you have to enter it now. Please note that the start time is automatically set to the time the team captain has chosen! Complete the registration now to join the team


2. Create or join a team after registration


Log into your MaxFun Register Account at

If you need further help, please read: How do I log in to my account?

After logging in you will see all your races.  In the dropdown on the right, select the race.
Scroll down until you see the option "Team management".


Now you see the team settings for this race and can edit them as during the online registration.

Please note that all participants must start in the same format (SPRINT, ELITE, BEAST) in order to participate in the team ranking. The start time is automatically set to the value chosen by the team captain.


* Please note that all changes must be completed 15 days before the race.

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