
What do I have to bring with me for the Kids Race Registration onsite and how is the process?

In addition to a good mood and some time (we generally recommend 1-2 hours before the start of the race), the following must be presented:
- ID of the child
- Guardian's ID
If the guardian is not on-site, this is not a problem. In this case, however, a copy of the guardian's ID and written consent must be presented.

Here is the link to the template

About the Kids Race:
After successfully registering, the kids should gather at the start number collection at least 15 minutes before the start at the kids start area.

There are helpers who will divide the kids into age groups in individual starting blocks. (Friends can always start together!)
After a short warm-up, the kids go out on the track and can receive their medals after crossing the finish line. With the smaller kids, the parents have to pick up their children at the finish.
You will be given more detailed information about the process on-site at the start number distribution/registration, as this takes place individually depending on the situation and venue.

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